
My prolific musings on life, faith, and The Box of Life (television)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Answering Kathy

Kathy, since the blog we were discussing these things in is now kind of old, I shall continue on in a new one:

But I wanted to answer your questions and maybe even state some things I think need stating. They are not fighting words but I hope you don't put up a brick wall and refuse to see my side of it.

Leviticus is in the Old Testament and part of the laws given to Moses. Once Jesus came those laws were no longer practiced. If you read the New Testament you will see that. The reason is that during the "Old Testament" period of the religion (which we now consider Judaism), God had instituted a religion of PHYSICAL worship and sacrifice. It was a way for the Israelites to be set apart from their pagan neighbors who did all these things and even did them as a way to practice THEIR religions, which of course God denounced as false and detestable. And all the bad stuff you mentioned is out of context. What about the law God gave that everyone should leave a portion of their crops available for the poor to "glean" and feed themselves with? Even in today's society which is supposed to be "enlightened" there are still tons of starving poeple who if they broke into a store to steal bread would be turned in for "stealing". What's up with THAT?

Anyway, with Jesus, the Messiah, God instituted SPIRITUAL worship and sacrifice. (He also found a way to give people the grace they desperately needed.) Even Jews who had grown up all their lives avoiding pork now could eat it. There is a story about that which involves Peter (the so-called "first Pope" according to the Catholic church and I'm sure a "famous" enough disciple for most people to know who I am talking about.)

So it has nothing to do with Christians (though some false Christians do this) picking and choosing what we want to practice or not. If I did that don't you think I'd be lying, getting drunk and having all kinda sex? I don't pick and choose anything! If I had to sacrifice bulls and not eat pork I'd do it. Thanks be to God He allowed me to be born in a time when that isn't necessary. When the Temple was destroyed, so was the old religion. It was symbolic of the "New Covenant" (which is what "New Testament" means) that God made with His people- not just Jews but whoever chooses to follow Him by obeying the Bible.

By the way, I'm not sure what "your people" means. That sounds derogatory like "those people", refering to minorities and such.

And no, real Christians don't commit all those sins you spoke of willfully. When they do, if they refuse to repent (again, the word used in the original Greek text is metanoia which means changing one's worldview completely) they have to leave the church. Some come back once they repent but others never do as they refuse to repent. (I sin all the time because I'm human but I keep on finding ways to drive sins from my life.)

You might think I'm ignorant because I believe in absolutes but I've studied a lot of worldviews/religions/philosophies/ideas and basically, Christianity is the only one I found truth in. Therefore I do believe it with all my heart and soul. Just as you believe with all YOUR heart and soul that we're ignorant because the Bible is flawed and the things we call "sins" are not "sins" at all but perfectly okay. RIGHT? I'm sure you ABSOLUTELY believe that to be the case. RIGHT?

And I do believe the Bible is the Word of God- all of it. And as I said the not eating pork is not a historical thing, it was abolished in the times of Jesus and is dealt with in the Bible (new testament) itself.

I know you have a problem with Christians and our beliefs. I personally don't advocate changing laws to suit my beliefs as I know that heaven is the only place where things will be right (according to God's will) but here on earth the very people who supposedly hate that in others can't wait to change the world to suit THEIR beliefs. Some wish my church and churches like it would go away and that we'd all be like the United Church of Christ. You just said all "my people" aren't good and helpful but I'm sure you've never met anyone from my church. Of course not everyone in it IS good because not everyone in it is "really" in it. They DON'T follow the Bible and therefore Christianity is dead in them.

It seems funny to me people want to get rid of us so badly but want US to be totally accomodating.

By the way, the whole point of the blog I wrote was what Walter summed up: Why call yourself a Christian if you won't follow Christian rules? Buddha found his faith wanting (he was originally a Hindu) and created his own worldview which we now know as Buddhism, and a very large part of the population follows it. If people find Christianity wanting then I guess it's not for them and they should not try to change it but find something else that "suits them." The Bible speaks constantl throughout of false prophets and I see the United Church of Christ as a place where people get a false sense of security. They get to hear "what their itching ears want to hear." Will I think they are "right" and going to Heaven? No, not according to what I believe. Is that ignorant? I guess Jesus was ignorant because he's the one that talks about Hell most in the Bible and he constantly warned people to repent and follow those very things I talk about.

Finally, it's not about me. Though people think I believe I'm better as you constantly say, that couldn't be further from the truth and it frustrates me. I don't think I'm better than Walter because he's gay and I'm straight. Anyone can go to Heaven if they choose to follow the Bible. Yes, IF. I mean, I couldn't get into Harvard because I didn't qualify. I couldn't get a job as an FBI agent. Some people won't even accept those who are different from them as friends. I have all kinds of friends who I adore. I wonder how many people who despise Christians' beliefs want to be friends and be accomodating and "accepting" of Christians?

To answer your question, homosexuality is indeed denounced as a sin outside Leviticus, even in the New Testament. Several times. The Bible remains consistent.


  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger Spleengrrl said…

    I'm still editing this blog and I have a comment! How funny! Not that it's a "funny" topic.
    I'm sure it's even darn annoying to keep on harping on all this esp. if we (Kathy and me) will never see eye-to-eye. But I don't like Christianity being falsely accused (and therefore Jesus Himself) of being a bad thing. I think everyone I've met at church is a much better person now than before, including me, because we follow the Bible. We're much more loving though that seems contradictory. Etc.
    And so I must trudge on and defend the faith. Though I get really tired of it and sometimes just want to say, "Yes Kathy, we're all a bunch of hateful idiots. It's true!"
    PS Walter people who quote Leviticus are likely people who never read the whole Bible. I know people who prior to coming to our church and becoming really committed to God would quote that Scripture to denounce homosexuals out of their own hate. They told me they knew no other Scriptures. Now that they do they told me they actually love homosexauls now, as weird as that might seem. This one guy now has a good relationship with his gay brother. Go figure!

  • At 9:06 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    Thanks for writing a post to me. I don't see direct responses to my questions, but that's cool.

    I do not mean to challenge you about your beliefs. I worry about you, but I don't think you're going to hell. I have to accept the fact that you (and others) feel good about your type of Christianity -- your life is better and you see that it has improved peoples' lives.

    Since you're not gay, your church works for you. (I know you equate your abstinence with giving up gayness, but it doesn't work that way. You can marry and have sex. Gay people can't.)

  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    Thanks for your encouragment, GC.

  • At 5:55 PM, Blogger Spleengrrl said…

    I'm sorry I didn't answer your questions, Kathy. I thought I had. It's nice that you worry about me. That's always nice. I have so much worry inside my head that it's hurting really bad right now. Not for you guys, though I do, of course, but there are actually some very pressing things going in my loved ones' lives and it's very intense.
    You might think that I'm closed-minded and unwilling to learn from certain people but I learn a lot from everyone.
    Walter, you've taught me a lot, especially about love so it's fitting that you mentioned love. I'll never forget your loyalty to me in high school. I hope I've been an okay friend to you as well.


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