
My prolific musings on life, faith, and The Box of Life (television)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oh, Pooh!

I just read some depressing report about foods to avoid if you don't want to take chances with contamination via bacteria and parasites.

Believe it or not, alfalfa sprouts are #1 on the list, but I'm not sure if the rest of the list is in any type of order. The comments about the sprouts and why it tops the list of evil foods is that the way it is harvested is a breeding ground for bacteria and if you try to cook them, they disappear so what is the point?

Unfortunately, sushi is of course on the list because the raw fish could have parasites such as tapeworm. (Ewww!) The good thing is that going to a reputable sushi restaurant is a guarantee that the chef knows how to choose the best fish and how to remove parasites, though it's not a 100% guarantee by any means. Also, dipping the sushi (and sashimi) into soy sauce and wasabi seems to be an antimicrobiobial solution.

Even more distressing is the inclusion of cheeses like goat, feta and brie. Apparently, they are unpasteurized. I have to admit, I didn't know! Egads!

The other foods included are beef, chicken, leafy greens (espeically packaged), eggs, salad bar fare, canteloupe, and mayo. (I couldn't care less about that last one as I detest the very thought of that nasty junk!)

Well, bon appetit!


  • At 9:35 PM, Blogger RV3 said…

    Candy nor margaritas were not on your list, so I guess it is safe for me to go on consumming them.

  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger Spleengrrl said…

    I've always considered candy dangerous. If it's not poisoned candy on Halloween, it's the fact that it rots your teeth.

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger lucy4 said…

    They don't poison Halloween candy. They put razors in them. Too bad about the alfalfa sprouts. I love to put them into turkey sandwiches. I think I might stop doing that. I will continue eating the sushi. I heard tapeworms helps you lose weight.

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    What's life if not a bunch of risks?


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