
My prolific musings on life, faith, and The Box of Life (television)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back to the Front

Aargh! It's getting hard to keep up with the social network sites I'm a member of. I gave up on Friendster long ago and of course MySpace has pretty much gone the way of Friendster and the good thing about Facebook is that tons of people from my church are actually on it, unlike MySpace. And then there's one I joined back in 2004 or so, which was to meet single Christians. It got started by someone in the church though it isn't church-sponsored so it's not free. My church finally started one, and it is free, but hardly anyone is on it! I'm not sure they are aware of it. I have a couple of e-mail exchanges going with two different guys right now. It's kind of fun, especially since I can't get out and meet people too much.

One of these guys has a lot of things in common with me, and I mean besides the whole church thing. He is a cat-lover, which is rare, and I point blank asked him (and he had no idea because I've given no indication yet what the "right" answer should be) if he liked Superman or Batman better and he said Superman. Ding-ding-ding! Good answer, good answer! And he loves sushi. And he has at least watched some foreign films and isn't just into things blowing up. And he has good grammar! He's a writer, even! He's actually the second writer I've met (from church) of late. The other is a reporter, which is so Clark Kent, but I don't think he's interested in me at all. It's just as well becuse reporter or not, he didn't actually seem to have very good grammar. I found that a little annoying, what can I say? (What is wrong with me?) I had also met a very good looking guy at the conference but he didn't ask me for my number, plus he said he didn't like to read which didn't sit well with me.

I was actually going to write about other things but I felt a need to share with you, readers. Please don't be too hard on me if you've formed some kind of judgment about anything I've said here today.


  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger lucy4 said…

    Yeah, lately I've been all about facebook because of all the word games even though scrabulous is now gone :(. Good to hear about your potential love interests. I am a stay at home mom so my life is full of babbling women.

  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger Spleengrrl said…

    ??? You mean on the soaps or something? Women are silly sometimes, huh? Actually, I went to a party the other day & I forgot that the birthday boy's best friend is this guy I once hooked up with when he gave me a ride home. I'd seen him since, but I got a touch of amnesia & I think he got offended. THIS time, I DID remember & realized suddenly that he was cute & pretty cool but alas, he has a girlfriend & he didn't even notice me.

  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger lucy4 said…

    I meant babbling as in moms who babytalk the whole day and can't communicate in an adult manner.

    Yeah, one of the most important things about falling in love is timing. You just have to know when to jump in like in double dutch.

  • At 7:16 PM, Blogger Spleengrrl said…

    Nah, I am not interested NOW. But it was kind of weird, a blast from the past.


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