
My prolific musings on life, faith, and The Box of Life (television)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Furry Little Problem

There's an old saying I know in Spanish, which goes "Lo barato sale caro", or loosely translated, cheap things end up expensive things.

Well, I had this experience dealing with cheap flea medication. I thought I'd hit the motherload when I discovered Target and Wal-Mart both had started selling those drops you put on the back of your cat's (or dog's) necks to kill fleas and their larvae and eggs. They cost a mere $5! Well, that was a huge difference from the vet's medication (Frontline, for example) which cost upwards of $60!

But unfortunately, saving a few bucks ended up being a high price to pay when Mr. Julie developed eczema, most likely from still having fleas on him despite my applying the cheap drops all summer (thus far). His fur got mangy and scraggly, where before it had been long and pretty. I didn't know what was wrong with him and I noticed red spots that looked like abrasions so I took him to the vet today. Thank the LORD it was only this skin allergy due either to having fleas or me applying that flea medication maybe too often because I noticed he was still scratching and licking or maybe it could have been food-related because I did switch him out for a couple (or 3) weeks. At that time was when this all started. But...he's been back on his old diet for a bit now and he didn't get better skin- and hair-wise. Hopefully the frontline and the two shots (and two types of pills!) the vet gave him will work. He has to take them twice a day!

In total, the Frontline, the two shots, the two vials of medication and the consultation were $160! Next time I'll stick to Frontline and save myself a hundred dollars!


  • At 5:30 PM, Blogger Spleengrrl said…

    I was in my car this morning getting ready to drive to work when I realized I had not given him his pills. So I had to go find him in the backyard, grab hold of him, force his mouth open and stick Pill #1 in there, which he let fall out. So I repeated this and repeated it yet again for Pill #2. Poor guy- he must hate me!
    The nice thing is a friend e-mailed me saying she'd prayed for him and while she was at it, she sent a prayer up for me also.

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger waldocarmona said…

    you could solve your problem by giving him away to gypsies no???

  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    I don't mess around when it comes to fleas. When I first got Pac'a she had ticks! Omar didn't have anything, but I knew with his shaggy hair he'd be toast without treatment.

    Still, even with Frontline, Omar shows up with a bug or two now and again. Last winter in Oregon, I found a live tick on him, though it hadn't gone in for a bite. I think it would have been deterred. Also, this summer, fleas got Omar before a month of Frontline treatment had lapsed. He had to get his next dose early.

  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger RV3 said…

    Fleas are not hot!!!!!!!!!

  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger lucy4 said…

    Yikes! I have been thinking of skimping on the pet care lately since we are now a one income household. I might now reconsider. Last time I went to the vet, he recommended I get the dog and the cat a dental cleaning. The projected bill was going to be $600 bucks! I just lost my dental insurance and luckily, the baby does not need dental care now. So I can't decide if I should save up to have another baby or get the pets' teeth cleaned.


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